Research Library of South Bohemia in České Budějovice / Jihočeská vědecká knihovna v Českých Budějovicích

  • Media education
  • Kids
City size: to 500 000
Type: Municipal
Na Sadech 1856/27, 370 01 České Budějovice, Southwest Czechia

Contact person
Michal Šimek ,

The South Bohemian Scientific Library in České Budějovice combines the municipal and scientific regional library. It provides methodical and material support to smaller libraries in the region, organizes a number of educational and cultural activities for a wide audience.


How to interpret the news

Typ: Media education Kids

This is a programme for primary and secondary schools in which we work with three different media outlets and their real articles on the same event. We examine the differences in how each media outlet reported on the matter. We examine which parts of the information arouse trust or distrust in us. We examine how the article is trying to get our attention and the tricks journalists use to do so. How media are financed and how this affects their contents. We help students navigate the complex world of information and show how we form trust and distrust in our heads and how this can affect how we read the news. We perform practical tests with real articles.

Contact person

Michal Šimek