The densest network of libraries in the world
In 2020, the national strategic plan adopted by the government – ‘Koncepce rozvoje knihoven na léta 2021-2027’ (s výhledem do roku 2030) (Library Development Concept for the Years 2021-2027, with an outlook to 2030) – defines libraries as:
The predominant librarian age groups are 41-50 (30%) and 51-60 (29%). With 13% of librarians aged 61+, this means that almost 72% of librarians are over the age of 41. The group of librarians under the age of 40 accounts for less than a third and has decreased by 4% since the last survey (35% versus 31%). The youngest employees aged 18-30 therefore only account for 9%.
The majority of professional library workers are women (85%).
53% of employees have professional librarian education, and 47% do not have professional librarian education. The positive growth trend of university-educated librarians continues, reaching 43% in 2020, up from only 22% in 1998.
More: Analysis of the age, education and salary of library staff in the Czech Republic 2020/2021
The libraries of the Czech Republic are represented by four organisations.
> Library associations in the Czech Republic
Library and information sciences education
3 universities in the Czech Republic teach library science – in Prague, Brno and Opava.
> More about universities in the Czech Republic