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List of libraries

Village Living Room / Obecní knihovna J. M. Hovorky Statenice

Type: Communal
Topics: Sustainability Community Media education Kids
People come here not only for books, but also to meet, watch a movie, play a record or create together, get inspired or inspire others, talk, exercise, play the piano, or just relax in and read.
Address: Statenická 23, 252 62 Statenice, Central Bohemia Czechia
Contact person: Barbora Černohorská ,

Ostrava City Library / Knihovna města Ostravy

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community Seniors Kids
Public universal library, ensuring general and equal access to cultural values ​​and information by all citizens and institutions of the city of Ostrava.
Address: 28. října 289/2, 702 00 Ostrava, Moravia-Silesia Czechia
Contact person: Irena Šťastná ,

Research Library of South Bohemia in České Budějovice / Jihočeská vědecká knihovna v Českých Budějovicích

Type: Municipal
Topics: Media education Kids
The library combines the municipal and scientific regional library, provides support to smaller libraries in the region, organizes a number of educational and cultural activities for a wide audience.
Address: Na Sadech 1856/27, 370 01 České Budějovice, Southwest Czechia
Contact person: Michal Šimek ,

Regional Library in Pardubice / Krajská knihovna v Pardubicích

Type: Municipal
Topics: Community
We offer multifunctional spaces for sitting with a coffee and book, working in a quiet place, having fun with a modern board or outdoor game, or to attend various lectures, discussions and workshops.
Address: Pernštýnské náměstí 77, 530 02 Pardubice, Northeast Czechia
Contact person: Radomíra Kodetová ,

Plasy Municipal Library / Městská knihovna v Plasích

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community
We offer our visitors the opportunity to meet with writers, travellers and other inspiring people. We hold readings for children and events for pupils, we cooperate with other local institutions.
Address: Pivovarská 6, 331 01 Plasy, Southwest Czechia
Contact person: Věra Soutnerová ,

Municipal Library Tábor / Městská knihovna Tábor

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community Media education Seniors Kids
Universal public library with four branches and an observatory in the town with the rich history, culture and the beautiful landscape of the Lužnice River.
Address: Jiráskova 1775, 390 02 Tábor, Southwest Czechia
Contact person: Eliška Bartošová (The Czech Republic Libraries Association) , +420 603 544 149 ,

The Hodonín Town Library

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community Seniors Media education Maker-space Kids Robotics Programming VR
Public library as a democratic, international, culture and training centre of the region providing sustainable community activities.
Address: Národní třída 3957/36, 695 01 Hodonín, Jihovýchod Česko
Contact person: Petra Špačková - - LinkedIn , + 420 607 216 635 ,

Municipal Library of Prague / Městská knihovna v Praze

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community Seniors Media education Maker-space Kids Robotics Programming VR
The largest public library in the Czech Republic, 42 branches, more than 150,000 registered readers, 3 creative centers, development of new services and community functions.
Address: Mariánské náměstí 98/1, 110 00 Hlavní město Praha, Praha Česko
Contact person:

Municipal Library in Milevsko / Městská knihovna v Milevsku

Type: Municipal
Topics: Community Seniors Kids Sustainability
We are the living room of the city, which tries to connect and open new horizons and topics. We like new challenges and we love a library full of people.
Address: nám. E. Beneše 1, 399 01 Milevsko, Jihozápad Česko
Contact person: Eva Hlavín , +420731406184 ,

Municipal Library Vamberk / Městská knihovna Vamberk

Type: Municipal
Topics: Community Seniors Kids
We are a library in a small town, with a small team, but big dreams and energy. Our aim is to connect the local community and be open to everything new.
Address: Voříškova 84, 517 54 Vamberk, Severovýchod Česko
Contact person: Tereza Michelová ,
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Bedřich Beneš Buchlovan Library / Knihovna BBB

Type: Municipal
Topics: Community Kids Seniors
Public library with universal library collections and a regional library center of the Uherské Hradiště district.
Address: Velehradská třída 714, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště, Střední Morava Česko
Contact person: Hana Hanáčková, Bronislava Jakoubková ,
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Municipal Library Jihlava / Městská knihovna Jihlava

Type: Municipal
Topics: Community Kids
Public library with a universal library collection, who offers a wide range of library and information services, prepares a number of cultural, educational and information programs.
Address: Hluboká 109/1, 586 01 Jihlava, Jihovýchod Česko
Contact person: Eliška Bartošová (The Czech Republic Libraries Association) , +420 603 544 149 ,

Municipal Library Havířov / Městská knihovna Havířov

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community Seniors Media education Kids Robotics Programming VR
The library has 12 branches in all parts of the city, runs the City Information Center, the History written in coal exhibition, and takes care of the Chronicle of the City of Havířov.
Address: Svornosti 86/2, 736 01 Havířov, Moravskoslezsko Česko
Contact person: Michaela Tobolová ,
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Litvínov Municipal Library / Městská knihovna Litvínov

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community Seniors Media education Kids
The Litvínov Municipal Library is an important center of education, culture and community life in Litvínov. In addition to lending books organizes many leisure activities for all age groups.
Address: Soukenická 982, 436 01 Litvínov, Česko
Contact person: Eliška Bartošová (The Czech Republic Libraries Association) , +420 603 544 149 ,

Dr. E. Bořický Library Milín / Knihovna Dr. E. Bořického Milín

Type: Communal
Topics: Community Seniors
The library is located in the building of the Center for Leisure Activities. Some associations also have their headquarters in the building and are in close contact with the library.
Address: 11. května 385, 262 31 Milín, Central Bohemia Czechia
Contact person: Dana Reiterová ,
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Moravian-Silesian Research Library in Ostrava / Moravskoslezská vědecká knihovna v Ostravě

Type: Scientific
Topics: Media education
Moravian-Silesian Research Library in Ostrava is located in the New Town Hall building in Ostrava, where the majority of services are also provided to users.
Address: Prokešovo náměstí 1802/9, 702 00 Ostrava, Moravskoslezsko Česko
Contact person: Kamila Plisková ,

Library of the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics and Business / Knihovna FM

Type: Academic (university libraries)
Topics: Media education
The Library is located in Jindřichův Hradec and is regularly involved in the educational activities of not only the University of the Third Age, but also professional education.
Address: Jarošovská 1117/II, Jindřichův Hradec
Contact person: Věra Kubátová ,

Moravian-Silesian Research Library in Ostrava / Moravskoslezská vědecká knihovna v Ostravě

Type: Scientific
Topics: Media education
Moravian-Silesian Research Library in Ostrava is located in the New Town Hall building in Ostrava, where the majority of services are also provided to users.
Address: Ostrava, Prokešovo náměstí 1802/9
Contact person: Kamila Plisková ,

Česká Třebová Municipal Library / Městská knihovna Česká Třebová

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Kids
The Česká Třebová Municipal Library operates the main building at Smetanová Street No. 173 and also a branch in the Parník district at Ústecká 161.
Address: Česká Třebová, Smetanova 173
Contact person: Blanka Vomáčková , +420 608 371 568 ,

The Central Bohemian Research Library in Kladno / Středočeská vědecká knihovna v Kladně

Type: Municipal
Topics: Community Seniors Media education
Regional public library
Address: Gen. Klapálka 1641, 272 01 Kladno, Střední Čechy Česko
Contact person: Eva Mertová , +420 607 038 936 ,
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Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community Seniors Media education Maker-space Kids Robotics Programming VR
Address: Winstona Churchilla, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem, Severozápad Česko
Contact person: Anne Heaton Petrak ,

Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences Library

Type: Academic (university libraries)
Topics: Media education Sustainability
Address: Prosecká 76, 191 00 Hlavní město Praha, Praha Česko
Contact person: Jaroslava Škudrnová ,
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Městská knihovna Náchod, o.p.s.

Type: Communal
Topics: Sustainability Community Seniors Media education Maker-space Kids
Veřejná knihovna s univerzálním knihovním fondem a regionální funkcí pro okres Náchod.
Address: Kamenice 105, 547 01 Náchod, Severovýchod Česko
Contact person: Bc. Lada Kabelová , +420 778 487 439 ,
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Městská knihovna Beroun

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community Seniors Media education Kids
Městská knihovna Beroun - dospělé oddělení, dětské oddělení, oddělení pro mládež
Address: U Kasáren 813, 266 01 Beroun, Střední Čechy Česko
Contact person: Vlastimil Kerl , +420775582233 ,
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Stadtbücherei Frankfurt am Main | Frankfurt Public Library

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community Media education Maker-space Kids Robotics Programming
Frankfurt Public Library includes the Central Library with Music Library, the Central Children's and Youth Library, 16 libraries in the city districts, two Bookmobiles and over 100 school libraries.
Address: Hasengasse 4, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Hessen Deutschland
Contact person: Sabine Prasch , +49 69 212 38170 ,
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Knihovna Jiřího Mahena v Brně, příspěvková organizace

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Community Seniors Media education Maker-space Kids Robotics VR
Address: Kobližná 70/4, 602 00 Brno, Jihovýchod Česko
Contact person: Ing. Libuše Nivnická , +420 542 532 111 ,
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Municipal Library Breclav, contributory organization

Type: Municipal
Topics: Community Seniors Maker-space Robotics VR
Address: Národních hrdinů 15/7, 690 70 Břeclav, Jihovýchod Česko
Contact person: Mgr. Marek Uhlíř , +420777666555

Study and Research Library in Hradec Králové

Type: Municipal
Topics: Sustainability Seniors Media education
Address: Hradecká 1250/2, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Severovýchod Česko
Contact person: Vladimíra Buchtová ,
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